TagChurch of the Subgenius

High Weirdness Today

Whatever happened to all the “kooks” listed in Ivan Stang’s High Weirdness By Mail book? Funny you should ask:

High Weirdness By Mail (HWBM) is a kind of directory of kooks circa 1988, built up during Stang and friends’ hobby of collecting kook literature, a listing of hundreds of addresses that a collector could write to and, either for free for for only a little money, receive some authentic weirdness for their trouble. Some of the addresses are of lone kooks, like Brainbeau (p 160), looking for spread their ideas. Some of the them lead to UFO cults like Unarius (p 50), looking for recruits. Some believe Jesus talks to them personally; whether they’re viewed as lone nutters or respected televangelists seems to depend only on resources. Doesn’t matter, Ivan Stang includes them both. Some are actual hate groups. Many are independent artists, several of which would subsequently hit it big before a wider audience. There are over 320 pages of addresses in the book, and each of them has a short blurb written about them to warn the reader about what he’s in for. Most of the addresses, of course, probably don’t work now. Here, in a kind of metapost, I visit some of the entries and find out where they are now, or if they still exist.

MetaFilter: High Weirdness By Mail

SubGenius Custody Battle Finally Over, but Reverend Magdalen is Still Banned From Keeping SubGenius Materials in Her Home

I’m a little late in reporting this, but here’s some good news:

The final deadline of September 22, 2010 came and went without any last-minute attempts by Reverend Magdalen’s former boyfriend to appeal the custody decision. This means that the custody case is now officially CLOSED IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Any further attempts to disrupt Magdalen’s relationship with her son would have to be filed in the state of Georgia. This means that he would most likely have to SPEND MONEY to do so.

In other words: After four years of hell and over $100,000 in costs to her, IT’S OVER. And the final result is an anticlimax: Magdalen, her husband, and her ex-boyfriend are back to the status quo. That, plus she is still the only SubGenius officially banned from keeping SubGenius materials in her home, where her innocent son might accidentally come across them and become corrupted into the corrupt, obscene, decadent SubGenius cult that got his Mom into trouble in the first place.

The High Weirdness Project: Reverend Magdalen

(Thanks Trevor)

I’m very saddened, however, that Magdalen is still banned from possessing SubGenius materials in her own home. That can’t possibly constitutional.

Announcing PDX Devival

cyclon of slack

After EsoZone, enjoy the Cyclone of Slack!



With the Musical Stylings of:



an utter lack of NENSLO!

More Info

The Third Nostril, Raw Animal Sex, and You

In the last article, I briefly tickled the concept of the Third Nostril: thought by most humans to be another ‘joke’ from the Church of the SubGenius. Of course, their laughter was choked in their human throats when it turned out to be all too real-but that happens a lot when J.R. ‘Bob’ Dobbs is involved. Watch his hands closely. Today, scientists know the Third Nostril by another name: the Vomeronasal Organ. It is precisely this ‘somewhat mysterious’ lump of flesh that we will be looking at today.

Full Story: Hump Jones.

Robert Anton Wilson works available for download

From Frequency 23:

Robert Anton Wilson’s death signifies the dawn of a new generation of alternative philosophers/seekers – it’s with this in mind we are attempting to centralize his data for their consumption and benefit Download Raw Pack I + The Illuminati Papers Torrent Link for RAW pack II

RAW Pack I
contains Text of:

Schrodinger’s Cat Trilogy
Prometheus rising
Quantum Psychology
The Sex Magicians
Illuminatus Trilogy
Mask of the Illuminati
Principia Discordia
Excerpts and interviews
Also Download: The Illuminati Papers

RAW Pack II (is a torrent) which Contains Audio of:
Audio Interview on Disinfonation
Nova Connection 16 – Burroughs, Gysin, Leary and Wilson
Language and Reality
Namu Amida Buddha
Quantum Psychology
Secrets of Power
Techniqeus for Conciousness change
The Acceleration of Knowledge
The Leary Grid
Timothy Leary’s Death
On Conspiracy Theories
On The Church of the Subgenius

Also of course Check his video lecture The I in triangle Pt. I & II.

Uploaded Kindly by Greylodge.

These are RARed files, use the program over @ www.rarlabs.com to
extract them, the text varies from .pdf, .rtf, .html and so forth. You
will need a torrent client to hop on downloading the RARed audio in

care of http://stealthisknowledge.liber.us

For more on Robert Anton Wilson, check out our dossier on him.

Praise “Bob”, slack off, lose custody of your child

Praise “Bob”, slack off, lose custody of your child. A Texas woman has lost custody of her son, not even being allowed to write to him, because she was involved in activities of the Church of the Subgenius. Although her son never attended any of the events, which involved fun, nudity, and good old-fashioned blasphemy, a New York judge, James P. Punch, allegedly a “strict catholic”, has denied custody of the child Kohl out of anger after seeing videos of the church’s devivals and X-days.

MetaFilter: Praise “Bob”, slack off, lose custody of your child

(via Post Atomic)

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