MonthFebruary 2002

Fashion Savvy Wearable Computing on the Way

Pioneer Corp has hired fashion designer Michie Sone and industrial designer Naoki Harasawa to create hip wearable computers. They’re using organic electroluminescent material the thickness of paper to integrate screens into clothing.

Taipei Times: Wearable computers about to hit the racks

(via NooFace)

Electromagnetic wave expert interviewed

Risk analyst Louis Slesin, dubbed “Captain Radiation,” is interviewed in the latest issue of Shift. He gives some advice about using cell phones and laptops, talks about corporate cover-ups of the risks involved in using electromagnetic devices, and closes with an optimistic view of these technologies.

Update: The link above is broken and I can’t find a mirror of that interview anywhere. You can find Slesin’s website here. And here’s a skeptical take on his work.

Headlines from an Alternate Reality

New Zoid posts computer generated headlines that they claim are either transmissions from another world or plain old Internet art. They’re sometimes prophetic, sometimes disturbing, and usually a little bit funny.

New Zoid example from

Slate does Surrealism

Slate has a well written feature on the impact of Surrealism on modern culture and a nifty slide show.

Slate: Ceci N’est Pas Surrealism

Robert Crumb on Philip K. Dick

Infamous comic artist Robert Crumb did a comic adaption of infamous science fiction author Philip K. Dick’s “religious experience” for Weirdo Magazine– and you can now find it online!

Philip K. Dick Fans: Weirdo

(via Boing Boing).

You can also find this comic on Scribd here.

Caveman living in New York City

The New York Post reports that Ecuadoran immigrant Omar Torrez has been living in a cave in Inwood Hill Park. He’s been hiding so well that “a Parks Department worker leading 20 children on a tour through the caves yesterday never noticed Torrez’s possessions in the 15-foot-deep tunnel.” As facisnating as this is, I question the Post’s coverage of this story. Isn’t this going to lead the Park Department to find and evict Torrez?
Link (via New World Disorder).

The occult significance of the Scarab

Obsidian Magazine has an article about the significance of Scarabs in Ancient Egypt and modern occultism.

To observing ancients, it seemed the sacred scarab spontaneously generated from the ball of dung, fully grown and capable of self-sustenance.

Obsidian Magazine: Scarabs as Amulets

Soccer coach arerested for black magic

A soccer coach from Cameroon was knocked down and dragged across a running track by police for weilding what was speculated to be a black magic charm. He was suspended from coaching for one match, but won an appeal to sit in on the African Nations Cup final against Senegal.

Link 1, Link 2

(via New World Disorder)

Historical Jesus FAQ

Robot Wisdom is now hosting an interesting FAQ about Jesus:

The Talmud claims Jesus’s actual father was a Roman soldier called ‘Panthera’, but this tradition is unattested before 150AD.

The Historical Jesus FAQ

The life and death of James Webb

James Webb was a skeptical author of books on the occult but ended up going mad. This Fortean Times article by Gary Lachman details his life, nervous breakdown, death, and afterlife.

Fortean Times: The Damned: the strange death of James Webb

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