MonthApril 2005

Friday Fiction: Terror Trees on Vail II

Terror Trees on Vail II
by Paul Salamone

RICKY HATED THE FAKE SNOW. He hated the perfect moguls, the perfect half-pipes, the perfect little jumps. He hated the fact that he put off skiing his whole life, and now it was all fake, perfect and fake.

The weather outside, all over the world, was a balmy 96 degrees, yet the owners of Vail III managed to keep the temperature inside the resort?s 250 dome-covered acres at an archaic 38 degrees year-round, from Summer to Super Summer to Illegal to Go Outside or Do Anything Physical Summer.

Read More.

Blogging break

I’ve decided to take a break from blogging for a while. At least a week, maybe more. I’m trying to juggle a lot right now: work, blogging, excercise, writing, reading, magic, having a social life, not to mention those day to day things like cooking and cleaning. So something’s got to give. I’m also starting to feel that fabled “blogger fatigue.” I’ve been doing this for like 6 years now, so I don’t feel too bad about a break.

Also, I’m starting at least one new blog and all my existing blogs need some sort of work done to them: Klintron’s Brain needs to be upgraded to WP1.5, Technoccult’s comments are broken, Coffee and Caffeine’s posting funtion is broken, and all my blogs need to be re-designed. So all that technical and design work needs to be done, and after spending 40+ hours a week dinking around with computers, I just don’t feel like doing these tasks most of the time. So now’s a good time to just say “forget about it” for a little while before coming back to it all and getting serious about “going pro.”

Trackback update

It turns out turning off trackbacks in the discussion options only turned off trackbacks for new posts. Does anyone know of a way to disable them for past posts as well, other than going through the archives and turning them off by hand?

Boom Selection: blog of mashup, bootlegs, electro, breaks, glitch, grime and glamour

A lovely mp3 blog: Boom Selection: blog of mashup, bootlegs, electro, breaks, glitch, grime and glamour.

Funny bit: “certain american blogger-cum-hipster-hop-intelligista seem to be getting into grime at the moment. typical – you wait years for the uk’s answer to hip-hop, then the yanks nick it back!”

Sorry about that. True story: last night I was here in my house in Wyoming drinking a 40, listening to grime and reading A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History and realized I *had* to be the only person in this state, nay this region, doing just that.

Update: Friday Fiction will still be updated weekly

Forgot to mention, yes Friday Fiction will still be updated weekly for the duration of my hiatus.

I’m taking a break from blogging

I’ve decided to take a break from blogging for a while. At least a week, maybe more. I’m trying to juggle a lot right now: work, blogging, excercise, writing, reading, magic, having a social life, not to mention those day to day things like cooking and cleaning. So something’s got to give. I’m also starting to feel that fabled “blogger fatigue.” I’ve been doing this for like 6 years now, so I don’t feel too bad about a break.

Also, I’m starting at least one new blog and all my existing blogs need some sort of work done to them: Klintron’s Brain needs to be upgraded to WP1.5, Technoccult’s comments are broken, Coffee and Caffeine’s posting funtion is broken, and all my blogs need to be re-designed. So all that technical and design work needs to be done, and after spending 40+ hours a week dinking around with computers, I just don’t feel like doing these tasks most of the time. So now’s a good time to just say “forget about it” for a little while before coming back to it all and getting serious about “going pro.”

Trackbacks replaced with Technorati Cosmos

Although WP-hashcash has stopped the flow of comment spam, I’ve been getting hundreds of trackback spams everyday. And I rarely get legit trackbacks. So I’ve disabled the trackback function on this site and the Coffee and Caffeine Blog and added a link the comments section of each post to that posts Technorati Cosmos page. It’s similar to the approach taken at Boing Boing. It’s a lousy hack, but until I figure out something better this is it. I’ll be doing the same thing on my other blogs before too long.

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