Ada Lovelace Day vs. Marie Curie Day

Today is Ada Lovelace Day, a dedicated to celebrating women in science, technology, engineering and math and encouraging more women and girls to become get involved in those areas.

But John Graham Cumming writes:

Every year when Ada Lovelace Day comes along I find myself disappointed that Lovelace has been chosen as the symbolic ‘woman in science’ because her contribution is minimal, the claims about her are overblown and there’s a much better role model who really contributed a lot: Marie Curie.

Full Story: John Graham Cumming: Marie Curie Day

Interesting thoughts though I hope this doesn’t lead to a pointless rivalry — the important thing is to encourage is to get more people involved in STEM, not to fight about which women were more important.

1 Comment

  1. The biography of Marie Curie by Susan Quinn is now available as an eBook Marie Curie: A Life

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