Hometown Journalist Writing Book on Colton Harris-Moore

Come April, the full story of the “Barefoot Bandit” will be laid bare.

Colton Harris-Moore, the Camano Island man indicted after an international crime spree, is the focus of a new book, “Fly, Colton, Fly: The True Story of the Barefoot Bandit.”

The book was written by Herald reporter Jackson Holtz, who has covered the case from its inception.

Harris-Moore, 19, is scheduled to stand trial in federal court July 11. He was arrested in the Bahamas a year before.

The book took Holtz about a month to write, he said. He wanted the opportunity to tell the full story from beginning to end — beyond the constraints of a daily newspaper.

The story of the Barefoot Bandit begged to be told in the context of the Pacific Northwest, he said. He sees Harris-Moore as an original Northwest criminal.

Everette Herald: Book takes deeper look at Colton Harris-Moore

A month is pretty speedy work, but I guess he’d already done his research. But shouldn’t he wait until after the sentencing?

1 Comment

  1. Sounds like it is going to be a rushed job hack piece of work by an opportunist. Sorry, I live on Orcas and have heard enough about this loser!

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