Taser porn on The Learning Channel

tlc police women taser time ad

I haven’t watched this trailer yet, but Balko notes that it includes the line “There’s always a good time to use a Taser.”

Image and Trailer via The Agitator

If you find torture porn on family programming disgusting, please contact Discovery Viewer Relations or write via snail mail to:

Discovery Communications
1 Discovery Place
Silver Spring, MD 20910

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  1. WTF?? On the Learning Channel?? It’s been quite a while since I made the mistake of thinking our society couldn’t get any weirder, but this is still a little more than expected. Now, if they’d just combine this with, say, Dancing With the Stars, they’d have a devoted viewer.

  2. I love movies that are over the top violent, but that’s harmless fiction and I recognize that line.
    But this? On “The Learning Channel”??
    Are they even trying to carry a pretense of teaching anything? Or is that pretty much backseat to low brow ratings?

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