Tagcell phones

Disappearing bees not due to cell phones

Good story for sure, except that the study in question had nothing to do with mobile phones and was actually investigating the influence of electromagnetic fields, especially those used by cordless phones that work on fixed-line networks, on the learning ability of bees. The small study, according to the researchers who carried it out too small for the results to be considered significant, found that the electromagnetic fields similar to those used by cordless phones may interrupt the innate ability of bees to find the way back to their hive.

Full Story: International Herald Tribune.

(via The Guardian via Robot Wisdom).

Electromagnetic wave expert interviewed

Risk analyst Louis Slesin, dubbed “Captain Radiation,” is interviewed in the latest issue of Shift. He gives some advice about using cell phones and laptops, talks about corporate cover-ups of the risks involved in using electromagnetic devices, and closes with an optimistic view of these technologies.

Update: The link above is broken and I can’t find a mirror of that interview anywhere. You can find Slesin’s website here. And here’s a skeptical take on his work.

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