Trailer For Rum Diary, Based on a Book by Hunter S. Thompson and Starring Johnny Depp

The film Rum Diary is based on Hunter S. Thompson‘s only published fictional novel* (though most of his works blur fact and fiction) and stars Johnny Depp.

(via Boing Boing)

*”Fictional novel” may seem redundant, but the New Journalism authors like Thompson, Truman Capote, Norman Mailer and Tom Wolfe called the notion that a novel must be fictional into question.


  1. I’m very anxious to see Depp embody the good doctor again! Thompson influenced the past few generations with his invention of Gonzo Journalism. His work and antics will live on to influence even more generations to come. I paid tribute to Hunter S Thompson and his work with my portrait and article on my artist’s blog at

  2. Just say it and I have to say its def no prequel to Fear and loathing. It’s a good story but very slow and not as humorous as Tompson future writings. Of all his stuff I find this an insult to the man’s memory. It doesn’t give justice to the book. I would have to compare it to the Great Gatsby, great book shity movie. 6.5 out of 10

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