It’s the end of the year, which is a good time to reflect on what my favorite bits of media were for the year. I figure this list can also double as a guide for any last minute gifts.
I’m sure there’s stuff I’m forgetting in each category, so I may update this again later. Feel free to recommend stuff I might’ve missed!
This was a big year for artist/writer Brandon Graham. Three of his releases were favorites of mine this year:

King City, which was the subject of my interview with Graham.

Prophet, a book written by Graham with a rotating cast of artists.

Escalator a collection of short stories written and drawn by Graham. I think this is actually my favorite of the three.

Besides all the Graham stuff, I really liked Casanova Volume 3: Avaritia by Matt Fraction and Gabriel Ba.
I haven’t finished Hawkeye – Volume 1: My Life As A Weapon by Fraction and David Aja yet, but I’m enjoying it so far.
Also, I haven’t read Glory Volume 1: The Once and Future Destroyer by Joe Keatinge and Ross Campbell yet, but I’m looking forward to it.
I don’t buy very many single issues, but here are some that I bought and liked:

COPRA # 1 by Michel Fiffe. This was a pleasant surprise. I hadn’t heard of Fiffe before I saw it promoted by Floating World Comics. It reminds me a bit of Graham’s Prophet in that it’s an indie artists’ take on super hero comics of the past. I haven’t read the second issue yet but plan to pick it up soon. There’s a preview of issue 1 here and issue 2 here.

Secret Voice # 1 by Zack Soto. If you don’t feel like paying, you can check this one out online, along side The Yankee and other great stuff at Study Group Comics.

The Secret History of DB Cooper # 1. Really dug the first issue, still waiting for the trade paperback.

Bruxa: Victimzeyez, a free digital album that I’ve mentioned before. Elements of dubstep and chopped and screwed hip hop with a trace of witch house.

Monoloake: Ghosts. Minimal techno with a hint of dubstep.

Filistine: Loot. I’m not sure how to explain this one — a fusion of lots of different styles of electronic music from all over the world.

The Swans: The Seer. New album from an old school no wave band.

Tweaker: Call the Time Eternity. Long awaited third solo album from Trent Reznor’s former right-hand man.
I bough X-TG’s DESERTSHORE / THE FINAL REPORT, but because I’ve been working on my own album I haven’t listened to it yet.
I didn’t see many movies this year, and I liked even fewer. Here are the ones I liked:


Cabin in the Woods. Technically I guess this came out in 2011, but I think most of us saw it this year.
I haven’t seen The Master yet but want to.
I didn’t read many new books this year, but I did read and like:

The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption by Clay A. Johnson

An American Vampire in Juarez: Getting My Teeth Pulled In Mexico’s Most Notorious Border Town

Psychopomp Volume One: Cracked Plate by Amanda Sledz. My interview with her is here and an excerpt from the book is here.

The Rise of Siri by Shlok Vaidya. Science fiction that reads more like design fiction — this is all about the ideas, not the characters. Already a little dated since Apple has announced that it’s bringing some of its manufacturing back to the U.S.