Furtive Encounters: Freeman’s UFO encounter and more

Furtive Labors Publishing is known in underworld circles for its survival manuals for marooned astronauts and motivational tapes for chronic masturbators, Hollow Earth atlases and Luddite manifestos in e-book format, alarmist commentary on end-times prophecies and richly ornamented prose portrayals of grotesque graveyard orgies, Armageddon-heralding holiday greeting cards and bulletins from the front lines of future wars, Black Mass breviaries and forbidden books the perusal of which brings madness, terror and spectral horror.

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OSOTO-3 raises new and troubling questions

OSOTO, Issue 3 – Featuring an account of Freeman’s UFO encounter on the drive to Esozone 2007, excerpts from the FBI’s Marmaduke file, and a two-page homage to Mark Lombardi involving electronic camouflage of pinball machines in some dilapidated barracks at an abandoned military base on the city’s outskirts. Print edition is out now. E-mail us for more information. Special thanks to our sponsor, Martinez Double-Weight Cinder Blocks. POSTED 22 FEB 08

Furtive Encounters.

1 Comment

  1. An example of the occult contradiction: secreet information that isn’t secret.

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