I wanted khat-and I wanted it now.
So naturally I called a cab. One cab company was recently fined $35,860 because their drivers were working more than 14 hours a day (among other things). It was just a hunch, but with stamina like that, I figured immigrant drivers must prefer some strong, exotic, and drug-test-proof stimulant to be putting in those long hours. And that’s khat.
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December 31, 2007 at 2:39 am
Amazingly outside the states it has and stil is possible to order 2-cat and 4-cat modified analogues which pass phenylethylamine laws by addition of unusual chemical motives. An Israeli company has been selling these for years (though it took some time to do the necessary GCMS work etc to determine the compounds). They were widely known and it is interesting that this Isreali company has its address listed at a prestigious address in Manhatten. Is almost conspiracy theory like-why has this stuff (not just Cat analoges but other unusual chems have been alowed free access through all countries accept the states including Australia. However this will all be illegal in a few weeks, but not to worry, they say they will bring out new products and that will probably take another 2-3y before their exact nature is determined…….So synthetic cat has been readily available for some time, yet the molecular addition used to confuse customs does seem to reduce intensity, there is quick tolerance and long chain N-methyl substitutions have been published in relation to MDMA which seem to significantly reduce neurotoxicity. Not that I am advocating this (but there is a strange conspiratorial feel to this….)
C ya