Mutate vs. Technoccult

It’s almost the 10 year anniversary of this site. A couple people have been bugging me to revert back to being Technoccult, and there are some SEO and branding advantages to that. Not to mention nostalgia. So I thought I’d put it to a vote.


  1. While I don’t care about occult in the magic sense I still think occult in the hidden sense is where it is at. Technoccult: The Techno Mutant Underground.

  2. Technoccult was just better all around.

    Mutate seemed better for the direction you were going for, less occult and more focused on your book as your main thing, but even with that rationale, Technoccult works better IMO.

  3. go with technomutate.

  4. I actually like the ring of that.

  5. I like both.

    But changing a site name is confusing to your readers (or at least to me!) — I think there was another name, briefly, between the two you mention? — so, if you’re going to change one more time, I think you should make sure it’s a mostly-permanent change.

    If you go back to TechnOccult, you can always leave a “Mutate!” on your banner somewhere. It’s a bloody good motto, rallying cry, etc….

  6. “RenegadeFuturist” was rather intriguing. Personally, I came for the “occult” but stayed for the other stuff, so I guess it’s all good…

  7. TechnOccult had this charm which brought me to this site, but the sound of technomutate is equally alluring. I voted for Mutate! though since it has a potential:)

  8. Was searching through old links for a new blog and found this instead of Technoccult. To be honest I’m just glad that your still around, but yeah, would love to see you go back to Technoccult, it’s an awesome name.

  9. Technoccult got my vote. Maybe it’s nostalgia for the heady mind blown days of ‘The Invisibles’ and such like but also, it’s a punchier, more memorable name. Mutate! sort of fades into the background and Renegade Futurist sounds like a fringe political position (which I suppose it is but y’know what I mean, right?)

  10. I still have it in my rss reader as Technooccult

  11. the results seem pretty clear, whats the verdict Klintron?

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