Tagtantric masturbation

Tantric masturbation site

Tantric masturbation – how to do it and why. Plus advocacy for group tantric masturbation. Not at all safe for work.

Tantric Masturbation

(via Chaoflux)

Masturbation, Tantra, and Self-Love

Here’s a guide to Tantric masturbation. “The most important thing to know about being with a partner is knowing how to be with yourself. The secret of being with a partner is the same as the secret of being with oneself: to raise the energy in your body to the point of orgasm and then, instead of coming, relaxing and letting the energy go up to your heart.” Anyone out there have any experience with these methods?


Note: looks like the link is an excerpt from Margo Woods’ book Masturbation Tantra and Self Love.

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