TagSite Updates

Comments all funked up

Comments are broken. I don’t know what’s going on. Hopefully I can figure it out over the weekend. Anyone have much experience dinking with WordPress 1.5?

A statement of will

At the beginning of 2004 I wrote a blog post about my goals for that year. I later wrote a Key 23 article about it, speculating it may have had a hypersigilic effect. I’m a little late this year, but I’ve got some will I want to release into the world.

Within the next couple months I’m going to launch a “not safe for work” sister site for Technoccult. I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while, but after some prodding from Dr. Menlo (uhhh… absolutely no pun intended), I’ve decided to get it going as soon as possible. The site will be a hypersigil itself, with one of the intended outcomes being me being able to actually make a living off blogging within one year.

In the mean time, I want to get back into an excercise routine (something I did last year that amazed me) and maintain the writing routine that I’ve gotten into the past couple weeks. I want to sell at least one piece of fiction this year.

Another thing I did last year was attempt to change the “creative team” of my life. At t he time it seemed like my life was written and illustrated by Peter Bagge with a soundtrack by Modest Mouse. I successfully changed it to a life written by Grant Morrison, illustrated by Philip Bond, and with a soundtrack by Gold Chains.

With the “global sci-fi lifestyle” winding down, I’d like to switch creative teams for the next year. A lower key, more fun and quirky life would be good. So I’m thinking: written and illustrated by Mike Allred (colored by Laura Allred) with a soundtrack by Pop Will Eat Itself.

RSS problems

An anonymous reader alerted me to a problem with the new RSS feed… the feed at http://www.technoccult.net/feed/ doesn’t seem to be updating. http://www.technoccult.net/feed/rss2 seems to work, though. I’m not sure what’s going on, please let me know of any other issues.

R.I.P. D.W. Cooper

Sad news, Invisible College blogger D.W. Cooper has passed away. I didn’t know him, but I loved his blog.

Not safe for work tributes at Sauceruney’s and Weird Pixie’s.

Sponsor Technoccult for one year for 13 bucks

Update: Big thanks to Mad Ghoul for his sponsorship =)

As many of you know, I just moved last month. What you might not know is, I’m pretty broke right now. I just had to renew the klintron.com domain name, which cost me $12.95, which may not sound like a lot, but is quite a lot to me right now. So the first person who paypals me (klintfinley at yahoo dot com) $12.95 will get a spot on the Technoccult sidebar listing them as a sponsor. I promise to keep this spot for 1 year.

(I’ll just decline subsequent Paypal payments)

Passin’ the mic

I’m leaving tomorrow and won’t be back until next month. Melissa Gira the Sacred Whore will be blogging until I get back. Melissa’s a “priestess, artist, writer, multimedia whore, BDSM professional, peepshow girlie, post-pornmongerer.”

Tomorrow I’m heading down south to visit some friends at the University of Wyoming, and will be in NYC from the 15th until the 22nd and Chicago from the 23rd until the 30th. Drop me a line if you’re in the area.

Comments restored

Last weekend Technoccult got nailed with a huge spam bomb. And while using Mt-blacklist to try to delete the spam comments, I accidently deleted the last 300 comments from this site and Klintron’s Brain. Ooops. Luckily, I didn’t rebuild the site, so all the comments were still in HTML format. Luckily I found a perl script I found on Movable Type support forums, written by anakin513 and apakuni.

Michael modified the script to work with my files, and I think everything’s in order now. I think I’ve restored all the non-spam and non-troll messages posted since the problem occured, but I’m not sure.

A lot of the category tags got dropped, the permalinks are all ruined, and I might have lost some extended entries along the way.

I plan to move to Word Press in the next week or so, so the permalinks will all change again, so don’t go updating them now. At that point I’ll fix the categories. If you come across an entry that should be an extended entry and isn’t, please leave a comment.

And again, mad props to Michael for getting that Perl script working.

Welcome to the Technoccult blog roll

I’ve added a few new people to the blog roll, please welcome: LVX23, Mindwarp, the Invisible College, Dehiscence, and Vortex Egg. Someone really should host all these blogspot blogs. I’d do it, but I’m so flakey about keeping my hosting and domain name registration paid up…

Klintron returns

I’m back in the states, and though I’m still traveling for the next few weeks, I’ll be posting here again.

Of course, many thanks to Michael and Wes for their amazing posts while I was gone. I still need to catchup on a lot of their posts here, and on their own excellent blogs.

Return to Normalcy?

Well, it’s May 31st, which means that Klint is due back from Europe tomorrow. I’d just like to express my appreciation for him letting myself and Wes take control for the past two months. It’s been an excellent experience that has made me more blog-savvvvvvvvy (wanted to make sure I put enough v’s in there).

In addition to Klint, I’d like to thank Wes for a great deal of valuable input, and for having excellent timing when it came to posting during days when I was having blogger’s block.

I’d also like to thank my boss at my real job, for never being in the office to monitor my work productivity. Without his absence, I would have scarcely found enough time.

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