TagKevin O’Neill

The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic by Alan Moore

Alan Moore’s grimoire due in 2009 (or with the anticipated delays, 2010). Only 2 or 3 years to go…

“Splendid news for boys and girls, and guaranteed salvation for humanity! Messrs. Steve and Alan Moore, current proprietors of the celebrated Moon & Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels (sorcery by appointment since circa 150 AD) are presently engaged in producing a clear and practical grimoire of the occult sciences that offers endless necromantic fun for all the family. Exquisitely illuminated by a host of adepts including Kevin O’Neill, Melinda Gebbie, John Coulthart, Jos? Villarrubia and other stellar talents (to be named shortly), this marvelous and unprecedented tome promises to provide all that the reader could conceivably need in order to commence a fulfilling new career as a diabolist.”

via Top Shelf Productions

New The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Black Dossier, volume out

I suppose harder core comic book and Alan Moore fans than I already know this: but Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s newest LOEG book came out this week.

Free preview here.

Buy Black Dossier at Amazon.

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