
The Nazi Origins of Meth — AKA “Tank Chocolate”


Fabienne Hurst writes:

When the then-Berlin-based drug maker Temmler Werke launched its methamphetamine compound onto the market in 1938, high-ranking army physiologist Otto Ranke saw in it a true miracle drug that could keep tired pilots alert and an entire army euphoric. It was the ideal war drug. In September 1939, Ranke tested the drug on university students, who were suddenly capable of impressive productivity despite being short on sleep.

From that point on, the Wehrmacht, Germany’s World War II army, distributed millions of the tablets to soldiers on the front, who soon dubbed the stimulant “Panzerschokolade” (“tank chocolate”). British newspapers reported that German soldiers were using a “miracle pill.” But for many soldiers, the miracle became a nightmare.

As enticing as the drug was, its long-term effects on the human body were just as devastating. Short rest periods weren’t enough to make up for long stretches of wakefulness, and the soldiers quickly became addicted to the stimulant. And with addiction came sweating, dizziness, depression and hallucinations. There were soldiers who died of heart failure and others who shot themselves during psychotic phases. Some doctors took a skeptical view of the drug in light of these side effects. Even Leonardo Conti, the Third Reich’s top health official, wanted to limit use of the drug, but was ultimately unsuccessful.

Full Story: Der Spiegel: WWII Drug: The German Granddaddy of Crystal Meth

(Thanks Trevor)

See also: An Interview with Infamous Meth Chef Uncle Fester

Garry Kasparov Detained and Charged Over Rally

I posted an article about how they’ve got a combo boxing/chess game going on in Germany a few weeks back. I think Kasparov and Putin need to be put in the ring and have it out. How can they call it an “election”, if the people have no choice? Checkmate and down for the count!

“The Russian authorities have charged opposition leader and former chess champion Garry Kasparov following clashes with police in Moscow. He and other opposition figures were detained during a rally organised by Mr Kasparov’s Other Russia coalition. Mr Kasparov was charged with resisting arrest and organising an unauthorised protest. In speeches, leaders of the movement bitterly criticised the upcoming parliamentary election, saying there was no choice for voters. The commission has barred Other Russia candidates from the 2 December election. Mr Kasparov was forced to the ground and beaten before being detained, his assistant told AP news agency. He was later charged with organising an illegal protest and resisting arrest.”

via BBC News

Boxing clever in Germany-Chess Anyone?

Okay, one last post before I go out of town. Why not have a friendly round of chess, and then beat your opponent to a bloody pulp? That’s what they’re doing in Germany.

“But just when you would expect the punches to start flying, something rather odd happens. The two challengers put on headphones, sit down at a table and start playing chess: in the middle of the boxing ring. That is because this is Chess Boxing. A sort of Rocky… with rooks. The rules are simple. There is one round of chess – and then one round of boxing. Punching power alternating with brainpower.”

BBC News

MSNBC runs story on Skull and Bones

CNN may have chickened out on their expose, but the Today show is running an interview with Alexandra Robbins on her new book about the Skull and Bones, and MSNBC is running an excerpt from it.

While in Germany, Russell befriended the leader of an insidious German secret society that hailed the death’s head as its logo. Russell soon became caught up in this group, itself a sinister outgrowth of the notorious eighteenth-century society the Illuminati. When Russell returned to the United States, he found an atmosphere so Anti-Masonic that even his beloved Phi Beta Kappa, the honor society, had been unceremoniously stripped of its secrecy. Incensed, Russell rounded up a group of the most promising students in his class-including Alphonso Taft, the future secretary of war, attorney general, minister to Austria, ambassador to Russia, and father of future president William Howard Taft-and out of vengeance constructed the most powerful secret society the United States has ever known.

MSNBC: The Legend Of Skull and Bones Update: MSNBC has taken this down but you can find the excerpt here.

(via The Revolution mailing list).

Skinny Puppy reunite for festival

After five years Nivek Ogre and cEvin Key, the founders of the band Skinny Puppy, will reunite for a one time show at this year’s Doomsday Festival in Germany.

The festival, to be held August 19 and 20 in Dresden, will feature a number of electronic and gothic bands from around the world.

Ogre and Key met in Canada in 1983. The two had similar interests in film and music and decided to start a band to explore these interests. Mixing performance art with live music, Skinny Puppy’s concerts were a walk through the darkside. Ogre frequently mutilated himself on stage while images were projected on screens. In the mid 80s Dwayne Goettle joined the group to play synthesizers and Ogre met Ministry’s Al Jourgensen. After personality differences caused a schizm between Ogre and Key and Goettle the group split. Key and Goettle worked on various side projects including Hilt while Ogre toured with Jourgenson’s Ministry and Revolting Cocks.

The group eventually got back together to do more recording, but drug addiction and further personality conflicts led Ogre to tour with Pigface and to contribute very little to the Puppy album Last Rites. After being diagnoses with Hepititus and kickign cocaine Ogre rejoined the group full time to create their last album, the Process. However, Goettle’s drug problems and the persistant plague of interpersonal conflicts led to the bands final demise. After the band had officially split, Goettle died of a heroin overdose. The Process was stiched together by producers Martin Atkins (of Pigface) and long time Puppy collaborator (and nin mixer) Rave.

Ogre began a new project called WELT with Mark Walk, but the album has yet to see the light of day (rumor has it that it will be released under the name “Ohgrr”). He then went on to create a project called Rx with Atkins and to record and tour with KMFDM. Key continued working on many of the side projects he’d been working on before including Download and Tear Garden and also founded the label Subconscious Communications.

Every year the organizers of the Doomsday festival have asked Orge and Key to do a reunion show. Finally this year Key and Ogre agreed.

Skinny Puppy FAQ and Lyric Archive Go here first. Has a FAQ, Puppy history, and annotated lyrics. Great stuff.

Litany Up to date Skinny Puppy, Dowload, Rx, and related project news. Excellent site!

Skinny Puppy Internet Database Major Puppy resource with images, texts, multimedia, and more.

The Vault of Skinny PuppyIncludes real media songs and videos. Lots of rare stuff here.

Skinny Puppy CentralOne of the oldest and best Skinny Puppy web sites.

Mike’s Startup Logos Lots of Skinny Puppy start up screens for Windows.

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