Tageyeball tattoo

New Trend In Prison: Tattoo Your Eyes!

See also: World’s First Eyeball Tattoo

(via Neatorama)

World’s First Eyeball Tattoo

Pauly Unstoppable from Canada has got the world’s 1st eye tattoo. The process involves forty insertions of a needle to turn a body-art fan’s eye blue. Pauly said that ‘The procedure was extensively researched and done by people who were aware of the risks & possible complications and that it should not be casually attempted.’

Full Story and More Pics: All Techno Blog

(via Mutans)

Update: Although it was Pauly Unstoppable who tried the procedure first, the subject pictured here is actually Shannon Larratt. You can find more information on BMEZine.

Supposedly this is catching on in prison.

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