
Scientists find drug to banish bad memories

It failed to bring Jim Carrey happiness in the award-winning film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but scientists have now developed a way to block and even delete unwanted memories from people’s brains.

Researchers have found they can use drugs to wipe away single, specific memories while leaving other memories intact. By injecting an amnesia drug at the right time, when a subject was recalling a particular thought, neuro-scientists discovered they could disrupt the way the memory is stored and even make it disappear.

Full Story: Telegraph.

(via Zenarchery).

DJ Spooky talks about remixing Birth of a Nation, and more

That Subliminal Kid says:

Basically the whole vibe of the film is to think about why America still has the kind of amnesia that would let a an election like the last two happen. “Birth of a Nation” is the first film to show a corrupt American election. Plus, its got the added bonus of being crazy racist. Combine the two, and it makes for a sad reflection of contemporary America. Dj-ing breaks these things down, and that’s what I do to the film. Kind of highlight the fact that there’s multiple situations going on. That’s why I’m “Dj-ing the film.”

Link (via Disinfo).

Hope the dude comes to Denver soon…

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