Over the weekend some friends of mine went to the premier of “My Name is Bruce”, where Bruce Campbell himself conducted a question and answer session after the movie. I finally got to see the movie myself and it’s a hilarious parody of Bruce and his movies. If you like silly B-horror movie schlock with self-depreciating humor thrown in it, you’ll enjoy this movie. Here are some of the Q and A’s from that night:
Q– “You’re named after a king of Scotland!”
Bruce- “Yes, I was named after Robert the Bruce! Robert the Bruce of Scotland!”
Q– “Have you thought of doing a Celtic/Scottish style horror movie with kilts and swords?
We wanna see you in a kilt and waving a sword around.”Bruce– “No, I hadn’t thought of that. I’m actually not Scottish, I’m descended from the Basque.”
Q– “Well, they wear kilts too! How about it?! You can call it BruceHeart!”
Bruce– ” I like the way you think! What do you do?”
A– I’m a student.”
Bruce– “Well, you better stay with that!”
Q-“How many Hawaiian shirts do you own?”
Bruce– “I don’t know. I like to pick up goofy shirts. I hate wearing ties! Is anybody here wearing a tie tonight?” (silence)
Q– “Do you have any of the Elvis outfits from Bubba Hotep?
Bruce– “You know, I don’t have any Elvis suits. They all belong to the place that originally made them for Elvis. You can’t buy them, only rent them. So I don’t have any of those cool costumes at home in my closet.”
Q-What was your favorite movie to work on?
Bruce– “You mean like, the most pleasant circumstances to work in, or favorite movie to make?
If you have too good a time, it isn’t going to be that good of a movie. You have to work to make a good movie. You’re up early, working 12-16 hours a day. If it is not a pleasant time then you end up with a good movie.” (Basically he said that he enjoyed making movies and he really didn’t have a favorite.)He also mentioned that he had the set for “My Name Is Bruce” built on his property in California. Now what can he do with it? A delivery man came to drop off a package, drove up the drive, got out and looked around with a look of befuddlement or amazement and said “I didn’t know there was a ghost town out here. Is this a ghost town? Gold Lick [the name of the town in the movie]? Was this here all along?”
(Many thanks to the Jones’!)
(See also: A brief interview with Campbell “Cult Star Campbell Does Double Duty in Horror Comedy” via The Daily Herald)
October 5, 2009 at 10:25 pm