Nemo interviewed by Wes Unruh

Today on The GSpot, Wes Unruh discusses R6XX – aka R6volutionary Xchange with artist Nemo Boko. Wes and Nemo veer out across a wide expanse of topics, from the evolutionary tools that Nemo has stocked his online store with to his captivating live performances of ambidextrous painting, while along the way discussing the myriad influences that inform his work. Stay tuned after the interview for an assemblage of the piece “You Are God, Guard Your Mind”  by elements of M^2.D

Download it at GPOD

See also:

Technoccult TV interview with Nemo part 1 and Part 2

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  1. I have a problem subscribing to your RSS Feed… It states feed is active, nonetheless I never receive updates in my feed reader… Any Thoughts?

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