Bus beheading similar to Windigo phenomenon

Up until a few days before the killing, Li held a part- time job delivering newspapers in Edmonton. He was well thought-of by his boss and considered a nice guy, if a bit quiet and shy.

On July 20 — just 10 days before the killing — Li delivered copies of the Sun that contained an extensive interview with Carlson about his research into the Windigo, a terrifying creature in native mythology that has a ravenous appetite for human flesh. It could take possession of people and turn them into cannibalistic monsters.

The two-page feature talked about how, in the late 1800s and into the 20th century, Windigo “encounters” haunted communities across northern Alberta and resulted in dozens of gruesome deaths.

Full Story: Canoe

(via From the Lab)

We know of parasites, such as toxoplasmosis, that can alter a hosts behavior. Could there be such a thing as a “Windigo parasite”? If so, how accountable can people be held for their actions?

Just thinking out loud here…

1 Comment

  1. Don’t think out loud too loudly when you make links between behavior and biology. You might find that some groups of people have higher incidences of some behaviors than others. Like ‘infants learn languages faster than older people’ or ‘men are more prone to violence than women.’ Of course neither of these are true statements and there is no link whatsoever between biology and behavior. We all have free will and all behavior is learned, none of it inborn.

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