TagFriday Fiction

G-Spot: Jason Lubyk reads from Mac Had A Secondhand Furniture Store

In this episode:

Jason Lubyk takes this audio UFO into hyperspace with a reading from his work Mac Had A Secondhand Furniture Store. Keyboards and other noises by Jason as well.

In addition James Curcio provides a special remix of this podcast, which can be found by clicking ‘Gspot 7 (Remix).’

G-Spot Episode 7.

DEVESTATINGLY Effective Spells!

I was just reading over that propaganda comic that Benway was kind enough to post, it gave us a good laugh at work here. I don’t know which is funnier, leftist or rightist stuff. Actually no? I do, rightist propaganda is always a bit more funny cuz they have such a peculiar grasp of humour. At least hippies are light-hearted. It’s like putting Julius Evola on-stage with Robert Anton Wilson and asking them to do a joke-off. Perhaps, say, at the Just for Laughs festival in Montr?al.

Anyhow, speaking of funny, as I was perusing this fine site I came across this ad by Gooooogle or whutever it’s called:?

For the first time since the Pharaohs:
“How to Cast Devastatingly Effective Spells and Rituals
With Extraordinary Power
by the End of the Week…

Even if you don’t know the difference between Magic and Magick Yet…”

Subscribe before Saturday, August 6 and also get 3 FREE spells for more Money, Love and Good Luck!

From Bogdan Ravaru & Giancarlo Capuccio…

Thursday, August 4
Dear Seeker,
ave you ever craved to have magic powers? And be able to use them whenever you please, to dramatically improve your life and help the ones you love?

Let’s pretend for a minute that you have the power to transform every thought, every wish and every dream into reality – RIGHT NOW…

What would you do? What would you create? What would you wish for… Money? Love? Happiness? Friends? Health? Protection? Revenge? POWER?
“What if we could show you a way to get ALL these things and more, WITHOUT sacrificing blood or selling your soul?”

We’d tell you everything right here, on this page, but it would be too easy for anybody get to this site and abuse this powerful information… (who knows how long we’ll even keep this page here anyway…)

This is why we kindly ask you to give us your name and email address and we will gladly send you to the page where the secrets are posted…

And, please give us your good email address because we want to send you some really valuable advice via email and 3 free spells for money, love and good luck…

“It’s not a coincidence that you got to this page.
You’re here to change your life in miraculous ways!”

Just fill in the simple form below:
Enter Your First Name:
Enter Your Email Address:

What is your favorite type of magic? This way, we can send you exactly the type of magick that you want!

Black Magick White Magick

And now press the button bellow and we will take you to the hidden page that reveals more secrets and send you the information we promised via email.

I don’t know about you guys, but I need devestatingly potent spells to lay havoc and ruin to my enemies. Saskatchewan is to the east of us and I believe they have a eugenics programme underway. See, every girl I’ve met that has moved here (Alberta) from there (Saskatchewan) has been very, very attractive. Not in that Prairie punk sort of subcultural way I’ve been accustomed to here out west, but in a sort of suburban girl-next-door sort of way.

Interestingly, the Alberta Eugenics Board maintained the excellent standard of life we’ve come to expect in this province through the Alberta Sterilization Act, passed in 1928 along with another province and 28 states down yonder.

(Almost 3,000 people were sterilized under Alberta’s Sterilization Act. Many more were not released because they would not consent to sterilization. Even in 1972, the year the Act was finally repealed, 55 people were sterilized for their “danger of transmission to the progeny of mental deficiency” and for being “incapable of intelligent parenthood.”)

What I think Saskatchewan has implemented is a hawtness gene. While Americans fight obesity and clone dinosaurs, them quiet socialists next door have gone on to do what we’ve all been hoping for but no one has had the scientific “need” to do: fight ugliness.

Goths Silly goth

The world needs more attractive people. Even if you are a little obese, you can still be hot. I mean, there is a girl here at work who may be a few kilos overweight, but she’s cute.

As for the ad by Gooooogle, perhaps we need to implement some sort of post-natal beatings unto those that are propagating the ridiculous image of such spiritual matters. I know the occult doesn’t like to associate with the Wiccans, but they keep sticking their fingers in our cookie jar.

Perhaps some PR eugenics, some disassociation from the New Agers and the goths. Hmm, back to the occult brand thing.

Though speaking of genes, another Gooooogle ad took me to Ebay where they were selling “soft robes for magical use” and I found this. She must be a witch from Saskatchewan.

It’s still no excuse. Wait, no? she’s from France. I think Saskatchewan and France have something in common though. Perhaps they adopted the hawt eugenics programme that the Czech Republic obviously has in place. There can be no other explanation.

I need some books on occult eugenics. I think Aleister Crowley and Michael Bertiaux have some writings on this?

Friday Fiction: Terror Trees on Vail II

Terror Trees on Vail II
by Paul Salamone

RICKY HATED THE FAKE SNOW. He hated the perfect moguls, the perfect half-pipes, the perfect little jumps. He hated the fact that he put off skiing his whole life, and now it was all fake, perfect and fake.

The weather outside, all over the world, was a balmy 96 degrees, yet the owners of Vail III managed to keep the temperature inside the resort?s 250 dome-covered acres at an archaic 38 degrees year-round, from Summer to Super Summer to Illegal to Go Outside or Do Anything Physical Summer.

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Friday Fiction: Mac Ran a Secondhand Furniture Store

Mac Ran a Secondhand Furniture Store
by Jason Lubyk

one day chief njiri and his gang of alien criminals came to visit chief edem – they stayed several weeks and had wild parties every day – on the last day of the visit chief edem drank so much beer in the morning that by the early afternoon he had passed out –
it was on that afternoon that chief edem dreamt of a space ark flanked by smaller ships –

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Brancy by Jeff T. Kane

Brancy by Jeff T. Kane

Ted wore tinted aviator?s glasses and a tight black shirt with white lettering on it that Tasheem couldn?t make out. Damn Ted Wang was cool, his black hair looked freshly permed and he almost resembled Hyde from ?That 70?s Show.? Except Ted Wang wasn?t a bitch like Hyde, Wing had told him all about his grandfather?s blackbelt.

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Friday Fiction: Shard Candy by Ian Donnell Arbuckle

Shard Candy
by Ian Donnell Arbuckle.

Difficulty: no giving up.

Hard to write, feet not dextrous, ha. Five senses, five simultaneous inputs. Synthesize three for single output.

Public radio address ? pen in hand, now, foot delicate enough for Braille ? through the aural inputs. Twelve stranded atop house in flood. Restate. Twelve stranded atop house in flood.

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Friday Fiction: What Happened to Icarus After He Fell to Earth by Andrew Jecklin

What Happened to Icarus After He Fell to Earth
by Andrew Jecklin
The dog?s glow emitted an hypnotic pulse that nearly entrained my mind?if you’ve ever listened to a CD programmed to slow the mind into a beta-state as an aid to meditation and relaxation, then you know what I am talking about. I lost interest in my surroundings, Desiree included. Everything kind of melted away, dissolved into the ether. Spaces widened. Things grew distant. Everything, that is, except for this dog.

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Friday Fiction: the Story of the Seven Sisters by Janus

The Story of the Seven Sisters
by Janus

Long ago, before there was time or stars or many of the things that we know today, there lived seven sisters who were the daughters of Net, the Queen of the Sky. Now, the sisters could have lived in the infinite palaces of their mother’s realm, but the sky was really big and really empty in those days, and at night it was terribly cold and dark. So the sisters chose instead to live in a small cottage on top of the tallest mountain in the world. It was a bit crowded with seven people in such a small house, but the sisters enjoyed being in each other’s company, telling long stories and sharing delicious meals around the fire. That was why they lived together after all.

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