While the OCA was initially very concerned about this alert, which we recieved from Mike Adams’ News Target organization, after painstaking review of the FDA guidance document we have determined that the document does not call for any NEW regulatory or enforcement action, but merely clarifies existing ways that the FDA classifies (or “thinks”) about different types of products used in alternative and complementary medicine. After some discussion with our colleagues in the natural health freedom movement, we have decided that this document is not of any real significance.

This is not to say that we are happy with the FDA. We are NOT. Due to political appointees from the pharmaceutical and agribusiness industries, they’ve been asleep at the wheel with GMO, synthetic food additive, and pharmaceutical safety testing. It is high time they subject these products to the same type of rigourous scrutiny they seem to have for natural health products. And should the FDA decide to further target natural, non-synthetic health products, we will hit back with all our might.

Though we disagree with Mr. Adams on this matter, we reprint his alert in the spirit of free and open discussion.

Full Story: Organic Consumer Alliance.

(Thanks Vin).